nesp 发表于 2005-8-15 13:03:00


<P>做完网站后我打算破解Mac OS X Tiger x86 Dev kit的DVD安装光盘,有一部分破解补丁需要用到linux,做安装也需要用linux(ubuntu),有谁能协助我吗?</P><P>----------------------------------------------------</P><P>破解补丁说明(参考)</P><P>WHAT IS THIS PATCH FOR?</P><P>This patch replaces the oah750d file used by rosetta with a cracked version.<BR>This patch replaces the Archive.pax.gz file in the Essentials Package with a modified one that adds:<BR>&nbsp;IOATAFamily.kext<BR>&nbsp;AppleAC97Audio.kext<BR>&nbsp;ApplePS2Controller.kext<BR>This patch adds the IOATAFamily.kext from Darwin 8.01 to the install DVD.</P><P>WHAT HARDWARE DOES THIS MAKE IT WORK ON?</P><P>This patch provides support for these:<BR>Generic ATA chipsets<BR>Generic AC97 audio<BR>PS2 Keyboards and mice</P><P>You will still need an SSE3 cpu (ie AMD Venice, Intel Prescott, etc).</P><P>HOW DO I APPLY THIS PATCH?</P><P>This patch was designed to be applied from a linux host.</P><P>You must have the following:<BR>&nbsp;bash<BR>&nbsp;gzip<BR>&nbsp;hfsplus driver<BR>&nbsp;loop driver<BR>&nbsp;root privileges</P><P>STEPS</P><P>1. Copy all the files contained in this directory to the same directory your Marklar-Tiger.iso file is located.</P><P>2. Change to that directory.</P><P>3. Run this as root:<BR>&nbsp;./apply_patch</P><P>&nbsp;or</P><P>&nbsp;sudo ./apply_patch</P><P>4. Run this:<BR>&nbsp;md5sum Marklar-Tiger.iso</P><P>5. Run this:<BR>&nbsp;cat Marklar-Tiger.iso.md5sum</P><P>6. Verify that the hashes from 5 and 6 are identical.</P><P>7. You should now have a patched iso.</P>

nobel 发表于 2005-8-15 13:37:00


<P><FONT face=楷体_GB2312 size=4>这我也帮不了你了,不过我相信肯定有人能帮你解决这个问题</FONT></P>

nesp 发表于 2005-8-15 14:13:00



呼吸阳光 发表于 2005-8-16 13:55:00



云南 发表于 2005-8-15 20:15:00



nesp 发表于 2005-8-20 22:45:00


<P>有谁会编译xdelta?我没有Linux.但我想起OSX里面有x11</P><P>我输入 cd /users/nesp/documents/xdelta</P><P>显示nesp:nesp$ /users/nesp/documents/xdelta</P><P>我按照说明输入make</P><P>却提示出错,用automake命令能够执行,等执行完毕也没有看到编译完成的xdelta程序<IMG src=""></P><P>有一个补丁包是xdelta打包的文件</P>

3dfx 发表于 2005-8-18 22:03:00


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