云淡风轻 发表于 2005-6-21 21:33:00


<TABLE border=0 class=tablebody2 style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed; WORD-BREAK: break-all" width="90%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt" width="100%"><FONT size=3>Feng Xiaoting&nbsp;&nbsp;(China) <BR>Like his idol, AC Milan&#39;s Paolo Maldini, China&#39;s captain Feng Xiaoting has displayed leadership, responsibility and energy from his centre-back role in his own team. The 1.87 m tall 19-year-old, has proved a dependable mainstay in China&#39;s defence so far in this FIFA World Youth Championship with his vision and&nbsp;&nbsp;coolness. His pace, dribbling and balance also makes him a potent weapon on the break when he pushes forward.</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><FONT size=3>附中文:像他所崇拜的偶像马尔蒂尼一样,身高1米87的冯潇霆在中青队中后卫的位置上很好地表现出他的领导才能、责任感和活力.今年19岁的他已经在前三场小组赛中表现出宽阔的视野、冷静的头脑和脚步移动,他的带球和身体平衡能力在进攻时总是给对方造成很大威胁。对中青队来说,冯潇霆是不可或缺的灵魂</FONT>。<BR><BR>
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