TA的每日心情 | 郁闷 2016-1-14 16:22 |
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R, Y-P 清华大学工程学院 硕士生
1. 清单项目中的分号 当我们需要将句子中复杂或具有内部标点符号的清单项目分开时,分号的效果远比逗号来得好。
The research on scholars’ academic writing for international publication confronts three main issues: the difficulty of finding suitable samples of academic writing at a similar English level across domains; the tension between coauthors, given that there knowledge of English may differ widely; and the tendency of researchers to value harmonious working conditions over correcting each others English errors and the possible conflict that might create.
The research on scholars’ academic writing for international publication confronts the difficulty of finding suitable samples of academic writing at a similar English level across domains, the tension between coauthors, given that there knowledge of English may differ widely; and the tendency of researchers to value harmonious working conditions over correcting each others English errors and the possible conflict that might create.
2. 句子之间的分号 当我们需要划分两个独立的句子,且同时需要保留两者主题间密切的联系时,此时则适合使用分号。
Rejection of journal editors for poor English can only be avoided by revising the document carefully first, to ensure that English errors have been removed; this process of revising requires that the author or proofreader understands how to use grammatical conventions accurately in academic writing.
Rejection of journal editors for poor English can only be avoided by revising the document carefully first, to ensure that English errors have been removed, which means that this process of revising requires that the author or proofreader understands how to use grammatical conventions accurately in academic writing.
如同我们前面所看到的,分号可以进行文法上的划分,同时具有句子间主题的结合效果。分号让我们在断句的同时得以延续我们的想法,这就是为什么我们常看到分号与连接副词及转折语(例如:however、instead、nevertheless、specifically、equally important、for example、in fact、on the contrary)一起使用。
Ninety-five percent of students in recognize the importance of clear writing; however, they often fail to apply this knowledge when writing their research papers.
看更多英文写作文章-华乐丝学术英文博客:http://www.wallaceediting.cn/blog/ |