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[2007考研] 复试英语口试必备



发表于 2007-3-24 16:38:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Personal identification, People
What do you do for a living? / What’s you occupation?
I’m a worker. I work in a factory.
What’s your hobby?
I’m fond of playing football.
What are you good at?
I’m good at photography.
What are you interested in?
I’m interested in music.
Are you good at making friends?
Do you have good friends?
Yes, of course. I have two close/intimate friends.
What do you mean by “intimate friends”?
By “intimate friends” I mean the friends with whom you can talk about everything.
How do you keep in touch with them?
We often call each other and chat online. I prefer to use the telephone because it’s convenient and cheap.
What do you think are the benefits of making friends?
By making friends, I can communicate with different people at different time. I can learn a lot from them, such as how to deal with difficulties, how to cooperate with others or how to express myself clearly.
Do you have much in common with your friends?
I only have something in common with some of them. But this doesn’t affect our friendship.
Home, Family and Environment
Do you have your own house?
No, I live in my parents’ house. We’ve got a very nice apartment in downtown area.
What’s your home like? / Will you describe your home to me?
We’re living on the fourth floor of a tall building. It consists of three bedrooms, one sitting room, one dining room, one kitchen and one washroom. The rooms are all very well decorated. And all the pieces of furniture are very modern. My parents and I love our home very much.
Has your family always lived in your town?
Yes. My family lives there ever since my father moved there about twenty years ago.
What do you family members do for a living?
My parents are all workers.
Please tell me something about your family.
Compared with most of the Chinese families, mine is a typical traditional Chinese family. There are four people in my family: my parents, my one younger brother and I. My parents retired now. My brother is a middle school student.
Does your brother have the same character as you?
No, I’m quiet and reserved, he is lively and talkative.
What do you think of the family life?
Different people have their own opinions on family. I think family life is very important to us people. We love each other and the atmosphere in my family is harmonious.
Who do you think in your family influences you much in your life? How?
My mother. She is a typical Chinese woman. Always though she was not well educated, but she taught me when I was a child to be an honest, industrious, courageous, and resolute man. Her traits encourage me all the time.
Do you like your neighborhood? Why?
Not very much. Not far from our building, there are many restaurants. So at the meal time, large noises come from them. And the dirty water is running on the road all yearlong.
What’s the air quality in your place?
Very bad. The air is severely polluted in our place. Especially in the evening, it’s very hard to breathe when we walk outside. So I know the importance of preserving our environment.
What kind of family do you like best?
I like the large typical traditional Chinese family. But China is a country with such a large population, it’s impossible for every family to have two or more children at present.
What do you think of the single parent family?
There are many reasons for this phenomenon. First, in some families, the wife or husband has to leave their family because of their work or study. Thus leave the other one to take care of the child alone. Second, some young people had a child before they got married. Third, more and more people don’t want to get married in their life.
What do you think of the couple who don’t want to to have a child?
It’s natural. A lot of young couples decided not to have a child. They want to enjoy the world of two.
Everybody has the right to choose his own life style. Please tell us what you think about three generations are living under one roof.
This is very common in China. As the son or daughter gets married and has their own family, they would like to live with their parents. And it seems that the parents are content to live with them. As people抯 living standard is improving, dwelling place is not a problem. More and more young couples want to have their own private life. This phenomenon is becoming less and less.
Please tell us what you think about Domestic violence.
Domestic violence is becoming a serious problem both in China and in any other countries in the world. You know, we always take it for granted that children can be beaten up by their parents. As usual, the victims in domestic violence are women and children. But now, men start to play their parts in the tragedy. As violence usually occurs behind closed doors, it抯 very hard for us to estimate the seriousness of the problem. You know, not all the wives or husbands would like to tell others that they had been beaten up or punched by their spouses. As long as they don抰 hurt each other seriously, few husband or wife will call for help when they have been punched by their spouse. It抯 time for us to change our belief. We need a peaceful and democratic atmosphere in our home.

Weather and Climate
How’s the weather out there?
It’s overcast/cloudy/sunny.
Is it cold / warm today?
It isn’t so cold / warm today as it was yesterday.
Do you like this kind of weather?
No, I don’t.
Do you like rainy days?
Yea, I do. I enjoy walking in the drizzle.
The shower laid the dust and cooled the air. It’s clearing up. People have become very happy.
What kind of climate do you like?
I like warm, yet not dry climate.
How do you usually get weather information?
I often watch the weather forecast on TV.
Which season do you like best?
I like summer best. There are lots of fruits and vegetables in summer. Moreover, summer is also the best season for sports. We can do many outdoor activities, such as swimming, rowing and running. It benefits us. And we also have the long summer vacation. But sometimes it’s too hot, we often stream with sweat.
What’s the weather like in PDS now?
It’s the spring rain season. It usually drizzles off and on all day for this time of year.
Can weather influence our life?
Yes, it affects our life in many ways. It can influence our moods. Good weather makes us happy and high-spirited, while bad one often makes us feel depressed. More importantly, weather plays a crucial role in agriculture.
Food and Drink
What’s your favorite food?
I’ m fond of vegetable.
I love traditional Chinese food. Chinese food is colorful, varied and nutritious.
My mother teaches me how to cook. She’s good at cooking.
Why? Young people tend to have western food nowadays.
I don’t think western fast-food is healthy. However, Chinese food is full of nutrition. And I’ve been used to Chinese food.
I’ve been to McDonald’s. But the food there doesn’t suit my taste.
Yea, after I ate the hamburger that day, the indigestion almost killed me! After all I love Chinese food best. But you don’t like the taste of them doesn’t mean that others don’t like either. Different people have different tastes.
What do you usually have for breakfast?
A light meal such as bread, steamed bread, fried eggs, congee, milk, soybean milk and so on.
What do you usually eat for your breakfast?
My breakfast includes milk, egg and bread.
Do you like sweets?
Yes, I have a sweet tooth.
Do you often eat beef?
Yes, but after the mad cow disease, I seldom have it.
Do you prefer steak or seafood?
Oh, I love seafood.
What fruit do you like best?
I like apple most.
How often do you have it?
Quite often. Since I’m from Henan province, you know, there are lots of apple there.
Do you think eating fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking enough water do us good?
Yes. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain abundant vitamins. Without them, your will be innutritious. They can make your body stronger.
Daily Life
What do you usually do in your free time?
I often listen to the music and I’m a lover of music.
Oh, really? Any other activities?
I attend the English corner on Saturdays.
Are there many people?
Yes, of course.
What can you learn from them?
I practiced my oral English and made many new friends as well.
May I know you occupation?
I’m a worker. A industry practitioner.
How do you go to work every day?
By bicycle. Sometimes by bus.
How do you like your job?
I think it’s interesting and full of challenge. I like it very much.
Do you care for this occupation?
Yes, I like it very much though it makes me very busy.
What do you usually do besides working?
Working occupies most of my time. I have to try my best to find time to do some reading and some housework. I often help my mother do some cleaning and cooking. Although I’m as busy as bee, I’ve found the joy of living.
Do you have time to watch TV?
Certainly, but I usually only watch newsreels and educational programs.
What TV programs do you usually watch?
I usually watch newsreels and TV series.
What kind of movies do you like best?
I’m crazy about action movies.
Do you often fall ill?
No, I am seldom ill and quite healthy.
Can you list some of the ways to keeping healthy?
In my opinion, in order to keep healthy, people should exercise regularly, maintain healthy diet, go to bed early, rise early and get rid of the bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol.
Do you think you have a healthy life everyday? Why?
Yes, I think so, because every day I live a regular life and take exercises.
What open-air exercises do you take?
Basketball is the type of exercise I enjoy very much.
Have you ever bought lottery tickets?
I’ve bought some lottery tickets but I’ve never been lucky enough to win a prize.
What would you do with the money if you won a prize?
If I won a prize, I would use the money to pay for my tuition fee.
Free Time Activities
What are you good at?
I’m good at photography. I think it’s a good way to relax.
What hobbies do you have? / What’s your favorite pastime?
I enjoy listening to music.
I like music and I’m a lover of music.
Do you like classical music or popular music?
I have a keen interest in popular music.
What kind of things do you like to do when you’re not working? / What activities do you like best for leisure?
I like to surf the internet and chat online in my spare time.
I have wide interests, especially reading.
I’m fond of literature. I like read all kinds of books such as novels, science fictions, biographies and so on.
What book have you read recently?
I have read Gone with the Wind again.
Can you tell me what the book is about?
It’s about the Civil War in America.
Do you like watching TV?
Yes, I am. Because I’m a football fan, so I like watch the football match on TV. But I know that besides watching TV, there are many other interesting things to be done in our daily life.
Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? Why?
I like outdoor sports. Outdoor sports are more likely to promote health.
How do you like to relax?
I’d like to play basketball.
How often do you do sports?
Every three days.
Our life is changing for the better. I think we should rest our brains after work so that we can relax after becoming so tense and tired. But I find the recreational facilities in my home town need bettering.
What do you usually do on weekends?
I like to go outside to enjoy the beautiful scene that nature gives to us. And sometimes I get up late and watch a movie with friends.
Sometimes if my hair needing cutting, I will go to the barbers.
What do you think of going to the cinema?
I like movies, especially Hollywood movies. I usually see the films in the original for I find it’s a good way to study English.
Who is you favorite film star?
I like many actors, especially Jack Chen, Julia Roberts.
Does your hobby affect your study?
No, I know how to balance them.
Working / studying is indeed very important for ours, but by taking free-time activities, we can learn many things that we couldn’t obtained from our textbooks. Through the activities, we can not only relax ourselves but develop our hobbies and mould our temperament. However, be sure to deal properly with the relationship between the study and free-time activities.
Do you like shopping? Why / why not?
No, because I think it is a waste of time and very tiring.
Do you enjoy shopping? Why / why not?
Yes, I’m crazy about it. I like seeing different things and it can help me kill time.
Do you usually go shopping?
Only sometimes. I think it’s a waste of time when you decide whether to buy.
Who does most of the shopping in your family?
My mother does. My mother does most of the shopping in my family. She’s retired so she has lots of free time.
Is there any big shop near your place?
Yes, there is a big supermarket, Carrefour. A foreign supermarket has a longer history and is more famous.
How do you think about the service there?
I think their services are so good and the goods has high quality.
Is it necessary for a supermarket to improve it’s services?
I think it’s necessary. Because with the development of market economy, all the service industries must improve their services in order to service the competition.
What kind of shop do you like best?
Sport goods store.
In your opinion, what factors are important in determining whether to shop?
Firstly, people’ needs; then the quality of the goods; thirdly, the quality of the services and lastly, the price.
Popular brands usually has good quality.
What can you do if you find something you just bought is bad?
I’ll change it for a good one with the store if possible. Otherwise, I’ll complain to the department concerned.
Do you often give somebody a gift?
Yes, very often.
What do you consider when you prepare a gift for him?
His likes and dislikes and the price.
Where do you usually shop? Why?
The department store. There’s so much variety there. I can usually find what I’m looking for.
Do you buy things every time?
No, sometimes I just go window shopping, or wander round a shop and look at the things on display and nobody bothers you.
Do you like watching advertisement on TV?
No, when there is an advertisement on the screen, I usually switch to another channel without ads.
Why do the producers advertise?
They want to make their products known to people and make them buy their products.
How do you think the relationship between packaging and shopping?
I think the technique of packaging is very important for a manufacturer. With the improving of people’s living condition, they will not only care about the quality but also choose the well packaged products with the same quality.
We can see different products have their own packaging. In some societies, when people go shopping the first thing customers will care about the cost; still in some other countries, they concern packaging of the products. I think the color, size, and quantity of items need to be considered of market economy, manufactures should pay attention not only to the quality but also to their packaging. When qualities are same, what people caring about will be their packaging. Nobody is willing to buy a good product in bad or dirty box.
How did you spend your last summer vacation?
I traveled to Qingdao and stayed there for more than twenty days.
When you go traveling, do you often choose to stay in a star hotel?
No, I don’t. I usually choose an ordinary hotel.
What’s your first consideration when you choose a hotel to stay in?
I’ll choose one with good services.
Will you consider the price when you choosing a hotel?
Yes. I will choose the cheaper one with similar conditions.
What did you do last weekend?
I studied all Saturday. On Sunday, I went to the park with my friend. We had a good time that day.
Please tell us what you think about the reason people go to a park in spring.
Spring is a season of freshness and greenness. After the cold dreary winter months, we are glad to see the leaves and to hear the merry birds. The weather is mild, the sky is bright and the breeze blows gently. All the people are happy and gay in the park in spring. I also like to go to park, especially in spring, because I can see the green trees, blooming flowers and the birds flying about and singing cheerily.
If you have a five-day holiday, how will you spend it?
I’ll choose to visit my relatives or old friends. I lead a busy life during the workday and seldom contact with them, so I hope I can visit them during the holiday.
I will take some sports activities: such as table tennis, badminton, basketball, football etc.
Have you decided what you’ll do during your holiday?
I have made up my mind to study to improve my oral English.
Could you tell me something about Christmas day and Spring Festival Day?
Well, the Spring Festival is the most important festival in china. Christmas is more or less like the Spring Festival Day. Anyway, with the intercourse of western society, more and more Chinese youths are getting interested in western festival.
Please tell us what you think of people fire the firecrackers in the Spring Festival.
When I was a child, I was thrilled by the thundering sound of the firecrackers. Although sometimes, they can also bring disasters to some families: some children lost their eyes, others even lost their houses. Owing to the great loss, the government decided to ban it in downtown areas. Loss decreases, bang goes with the merry atmosphere of the New Year. I think this loss is even greater than the total amount of materials lost in the fire. Cars can kill people, but we never ban it. Firecracker is not the root of the crime. In my opinion, we should educate people how to fire them safely, for example, children must be companied by their parents. All in all, when people know the dangerous of it, they will be cautious when firing them. Loss can be saved. Luckily, the related department realized this timely. Bit by bit, the children can enjoy firing firecrackers again.
May I know where you live?
I live in PDS
Where is your city?
It is located in the middle of Henan province.
Do you like the place you are living now?
I love. I like it’s an attractive place with lots of good food.
Do you know where the nearest restaurant is?
It’s just opposite my living building.
I wonder if there is a post office around there.
Take No. 6 bus and get off at the No. 44 middle school. It’s just opposite it.
How do you think about the weather in that place?
There are four seasons one year. Spring and fall are short but very comfortable and not windy. It’s not too hot in spring and it’s probably the best season. In winter, it’s chilly and windy, sometimes it’s snows hard and extremely cold and the temperature can get down to 10°C. In summer, it’s steamy hot and it’s rains a lot.
Do you think about moving? Why?
Not yet. I don’t want to move because I have a lot of friends here.
Is your family living there?
Yes, my parents and my brother live there, too.
How long have you been living there?
I have been living there for more than ten years.
How do you feel the place you are living now?
I really like it. There are restaurants, museums, and a stadium. There’s always something to do there.
What special feature does your city have?
There is so much open space and beautiful nature. And the rolling hills are only thirty minutes away.
Where are you from?
I’m from the city of PDS, which is in Henan Province.
What do you think of PDS?
PDS is a coal-mining city, so it’ not very clean.
What’s the style of the building there?
It’s a little difficult to say. The old downtown area has many old building, which were built last century. In the development zone, you’ll see a number of modern building, such as skyscrapers, which were built in the last ten years.
Do you like to live in a city?
Yes, I prefer to live in a city with modern transportation.
Can you tell me some advantages of living in a city?
I think the life in a big city is very convenient: the fast public transportation, a wide variety of goods to choose from, al the latest modern conveniences, and play plenty of public places for enjoyment.
What is your first consideration when you choose a place to live in?
I think different people have different opinions. As for me, I like the country life with beautiful nature scenery.
Do you like to live in a city?
No, I don’t. I like to live in the countryside.
I think that where to live depends on one’s personal points of view and experiences.
Why do you like to live in a country?
I think country life has many advantages. First, we can breathe the fresh air. The air there is clean. Second, we can enjoy many out-door activities, such as going fishing in the rivers. Third, by living in the countryside, we can get the fresh vegetables, fruits and milk easily.
Is there anything interesting to see in your hometown?
There are many know historic sites around there.
Do you like traveling? Why?
I like traveling because it helps me to broaden my minds and increase my knowledge.
Both domestic and foreign travel can give me opportunities to broaden prospective.
Are you going to any places this year?
If it’s possible, I’m going to take a trip abroad.
Which country would you like to choose?
I’d like to choose Thailand, for it has a long coastline and is a tourist attraction.
How are you going? By air or by ship?
I’m going there by air. I like flying.
How long does the journey take?
It will take ten days to make the trip.
Are you interested in traveling? Why?
Yes, I’m. I like to travel with my friends, because our friendship can be strengthened.
Have you traveled a lot? Where did you like most among the places you had ever been to?
Yes, I traveled a lot. Cuming was the place I like most.
Among those places I have been to, Beijing impressed me most.
What was you first impression of Cuming / Beijing?
It’s indeed a good place! The trees are everywhere. The sky is very bright and the streets are very clean. It looks like a beautiful garden.
The Great Wall! I think the Great Wall is a man-made wonder.
Where would you like to travel most?
Tibet, the mysterious altiplano in snow area.
What do you think of Tibet?
Although I’ve never been there, I still think it’s a beautiful place. Untouched natural scenery, flocks of sheep and oxen, clear sky etc. All attract me very much.
What will you prepare for you travel?
I will take an atlas, some food and drink, some medicine, necessary tools and enough money.
How are you going if you can travel to Tibet?
I’m going there by air. It will save much time and I like flying.
In your opinion, which is the best way to travel? Why?
By air, because air travel is my favorite. I think it is very fast, enjoyable and it seems the world is becoming a smaller place to live in.
I like traveling by train. I think train has its advantages thought it’s take more time. It is more pleasant to ride on trains than to take any other means of transportation. You can walk around, especially you can stretch your legs when feel tired of sitting in a settled seat. What’s more, it’s much cheaper than any other means of transportation.
I’ll choose ship, because I want to see the beautiful scenery of sea. But sometimes I get sick in a ship.
I don’t like car journey because it makes me tired, and one has to put up with the often foolish and dangerous things that other drivers do.
Please tell us what you think about travel with friend.
As to me, I like to travel alone. The first drawback of traveling with companies results from the fact that travel is a process of constant decision making. Sometimes we even couldn’t agree with each other on what to see first. The second one lies in the difficulties we encounter during the travel: booking rooms and tickets for many people all at the same time. When I travel alone, this problem can be easily solved.
I don’t agree with you. On the contrary, I like to travel with several friends. In my opinion, to travel with friends, you will feel safer and you life will become easier. With the company of your friends, you won’t feel lonely during the long and tedious journey. But no matter what way we choose, the most important thing is that we can enjoy ourselves.
Health and Body Care
Do you often fall ill?
No, I am seldom ill and quite healthy.
What’s your health condition now?
I fell as strong as a horse.
What physical problems do you have now?
I’m having trouble sleeping. Sometimes I need sleeping pills to help me go to sleep.
How do you deal with those physical problems? / What will you do if you are ill? / What do you usually do when you have the flu?
I will go to see a doctor and take medicine.
Which type of hospital do you often choose?
I will choose a big one with experienced doctors and advanced instruments.
Could you list the bad habits that can do harm to our health?
I think the bad habits include smoking, drinking alcohol, sleeping too much or too little, having an unbalanced diet and so on.
Can you list some of the ways of keep health?
In my opinion, in order to keep health, people should exercise regularly, maintain healthy diet, go to bed early, rise early and get rid of the bad habits likes smoking and drinking alcohol.
Do you think you have a healthy life everyday? Why?
Yes, I think so, because every day I live a regular life and take exercise.
Are you well?
Yes, of course. I’m feeling in the pink.
What do you usually do when you begin to run a fever?
I usually take some medicine, drink a lot of water and have a rest.
Do you think health is essential to your study? Why or why not?
I think it’s essential. When in good health, I feel I’m much quicker in absorbing knowledge, whereas, in weak health, I may lose the ability to tackle complicated problems.
How do you think about the weight control?
I think weight control is good for one’s health and the effective way of it is ti have a proper diet and regular exercises.
How do you keep fit?
I take exercise every day.
What do you usually do after getting up?
I usually go out to do morning exercises. But sometimes I also read books.
How do you go to work every day?
On foot.
Why do you walk all the way to work?
I take it as a kind of exercise.
What open-air exercise do you take?
Walking is the type of exercise I enjoy very much.
Please tell us what you think about Smoking is dangerous
Nowadays many young people have stared to smoke at an early age. They consider smoking as a cool symbol. Many heavy smokers also say they can not leave off, although they know smoking is harmful to their health. So please give up this bad habit! If you don’t smoke, don’t even try!
Today there are more smokers in the world. I think it’s very serious problem we should pay attention to. Smoking contributes to a lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past few years. In the meantime, there are many people suffering from diseases caused by smoking worldwide. Scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also to the others, especially to women and children. I think smoking should be prohibited harshly in public places such as cinemas, hospitals and stations etc.
Please tell us what you think about the Avian influenza (bird flu)?
Indeed, avian influenza is on the rampage in some parts of china and some other countries these days. Because Avian influenza can make domesticated birds very sick and kill them, so many chickens have been killed in order to control the outbreak. According to the study to date, Avian influenza A viruses do not usually infect humans. Unfortunately, not so many people know this. They believe in the rumors and stop eating any products concerned with chickens. I think these people are worrying excessively.
Ignorance is even more dangerous than disease itself. Measures should be taken to prevent it wide spread over the country, but we really needn’t be so cautious of it. The chicken is safe to eat when it’s boiled in hot water for some time. Unlike these people, I will always eat chicken. You know, it’s much cheaper now than before.
When you go traveling, will you choose a star hotel or an ordinary hotel?
I will choose an ordinary hotel because it is not too expensive.
What kind of room do you usually want when staying in a hotel?
I’d prefer a room with sunshine.
Are you satisfied with the services of the hotels you have stayed?
Their good services always gave me a deep impression, especially the star hotels.
Have you ever met some dissatisfactory things when staying in a hotel?
I once complained to the Room Service that the air conditioner didn’t work properly.
Do you use credit card when go traveling? Why or why not?
I use credit card because it’s very safe and convenient.
Can you list some services of the bank offers?
Deposit, withdraw, apply loan and loan etc.
What kind of other services have you got from the bank?
I once loaned a sum of money from the bank to pay for my tuition fee.
What do you usually do when going to a post office?
Post letters, buy stamps, remit money and subscribe to newspapers and magazines.
Have you ever post a parcel?
No, but I once claimed a parcel.
What do you need to take when claiming a parcel?
I think we should take the notice of arrival of the parcel, the identification or a letter of introduction etc.
I think the services in the department stores have been improved a lot these years. Please tell us what you think about it.
Several years ago, the customers often complained that they were spending money to buy rudeness and anger in department stores. The shop assistants often forgot that their job was to serve the customers, not to insult them. With the severe competition among the service industries, the quality of the services has been improved a lot. But I think they could do much better.
It must be pointed out that competition is a product of the development of society and it gives people a sense of the pursuit of excellence. In order to get the lion’s share in the market, good services are necessary for the service industries.
I think nowadays some taxi drivers’ services are really very poor. Please tell us what you think about it.
I agree with what you said. I think the taxi service is just so-so. They refuse to take you to a place where they think cheap or it’s too out of the way. When they have to go though heavy traffic and the taxi will have to stop too many times, the driver won’t take you there with any kinds of excuses. Drivers should know that nowadays there are many means of transportation, such as bus and subway. They all have their own advent ages: fast and cheap. So if taxi drivers don’t pay attention to their services, they will lose a lot of passengers in the future and can’t survive in the competition.
Sometimes taxi is very convenient. For example, if you are going to be late for an important appointment, you can take a taxi. But the fares are high and beyond ordinary people’s means in daily life. Anyway they do come in handy sometimes, but what they need to do now is to improve their service level.
Social Relations
Are you a student or a office worker? Where are you from?
I’m a worker now. I work in a factory. I’m from Henan Province.
How are you getting on with your colleagues?
We are getting along very well with each other.
Are you satisfied with your leader? Why?
Yes, because our leaders are very kind to us and always think of others. They’re god-given ones.
Do your have many friends in PDS?
Yes, I have lots of friend because I like making friends.
How do you usually communicate with your friends faraway?
I usually make phone calls or write letters. But with the development of the internet, now I prefer to write e-mails.
Will you describe your home to me?
My family is a typical Chinese family. There are altogether four people.
What does your family usually do in the spare time?
We usually chat each other. By doing so, we understand each other better.
Do you have many friends?
Yes, the most favorite activity my family takes at weekend is to visit our relatives and friends.
What do you think of helping others?
Helping others can show our love for them. We can form good relations with others, which can bring us happiness.
Please tell us what you think about living in the dormitory of college students.
Now, most of the college students live on campus sharing one room with others. It is a good chance to learn how to cooperate with each other and deal with different people. So we should learn to get along well with others. No matter what we do, we must think of others.
Please tell us what you think of late for the meeting.
I think this phenomenon is very common. Some people always have a lot of excuses for coming late. They often blame the heavy traffic. Sometimes they complain that they have met a friend on the road and have to exchange a few words. In my opinion punctuality is a virtue of human beings. Punctuality is regarded as a good and impartment habit in both public and private affairs of any civilized society. I think a person who is always late shows his selfishness and thoughtlessness and he will lose his creditability. So remember that punctuality means a sign of respect and reliability to others. Nobody will believe in those who always late for business. No employers will choose to give an important mission to a person who is unpunctual. Therefore, those who are always unpunctual should try their best to get rid of this bad habit.
Jobs and Occupation
What’s your job? / What do you do? / What do you do for a living? / How do you make a living? / may I know your job?
I am a worker. / I choose industry practitioner as my profession.
Can you use simple language to describe your job to me?
To me, worker is a noble profession. Although I’m busy from morning to night, but I’m content with my life.
What does your job involve?
How long have you been working at this job?
I have been working at it for five years.
How do you like your job?
I think it’s interesting and full of challenge.
Why do you take up your present job? / Why do you choose to do the job you are doing now?
I choose it because it meets my interests.
Will you change your job in the future?
Yes, I will. I want to find a job with good prospect.
What do you care more about when choosing a job?
I like the kind of job that talk to people and help them, and my hours are also very flexible.
What’s your ideal job?
I like the kind of job that requires creative ability, such as the job of designing.
What kind of jobs do you like best?
I like interesting and challenging jobs.
What are the important qualities for one to succeed in his career?
I think the qualities of hard work and perseverance are very important for one to succeed.
What do you think of those who keep changing their jobs?
I think those who keep changing their jobs are very brave. Their aim is to find out what they really want to do.
Have you ever changed your job?
Yes, I have.
Why did you leave your previous job?
I fed up with it, and wanted to find a more challenging one.
Do you want to change your job in the future?
Yes, I want to find another job with a higher pay.
What do you think of opportunity?
I think the opportunity is rare and only the luckiest person can obtain it. Therefore, it is advisable that one should cherish opportunity.
I think opportunity is a part of success. Do you think so?
Yes, I agree with you. The difference between a person who succeeds and one who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities. So the man won’t be successful who just waits to see the opportunity passing by.
Please tell us what you think about sex discrimination.
Recently one of my friends can’t find a job only because of the employer’s sex discrimination. Should men and women be equal? This is a question much talked about by people. Some people hold the opinion that men are superior to women in many ways. I think man and women are born equal. And women are certainly as talented as men if they are given equal opportunities. I think women should work side by side with men. Women have been distinguishing themselves not only in research institutions, but also in government bodies and other organizations. They should be equal in all aspects of life since they are playing an equally important role in society. And it is their right as well as their duty to work. So we should not judge one’s competence by the difference of sex.
Please tell us what you think about job interview.
I think one of the most important step of a successful job hunting is the job interview. There are thousands of people who are entering new careers and searching for jobs every year. In order to give yourself an edge over others when applying for the job you want, it is important to make a good impression on the interviewer during the job interview.
The job interview is an important part of the job search because the attitude and impression can make the interviewer accept you or refuse you. The job interview is the time to “sell yourself” by giving examples of experiences you’ve had related to the job and by revealing your good points. Don’t exaggerate the truth. By honest, but show confidence in yourself and your ability to do the job. Remember that you have the power to create a favorable impression on the others.
Current Affairs
Is it necessary for a person to know about the current affairs?
I think it’s very necessary for a person to know about the current affairs. Otherwise you’ll not keep up with the development of the society.
Do you care about the current affairs? Why?
Yes, I care about it very much. The current affairs keep me informed of the state of the nation and the world at large. I think this is essential to every on of us.
How do you know the current affairs?
I know the current affairs by watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers and surfing the internet.
How do you think about the news programs?
Actually, I think it’s the news program that keeps me informed of the current affairs.
Do you think it’s a good way to know about the current affairs through reading newspapers? Why or why not?
I think it’s a good way because it’s very convenient. You can get a newspaper easily and take it with you to anywhere.
Which affair gives you the deepest impression this year?
The shanghai stock index broke the 2800-point mark.
In your opinion, who is the most unforgettable newsmaker this year?
What are the mottoes proposed by Beijing Olympic Game Bid Committee?
New Beijing, Great Olympics and Green Olympics, People’s Olympics and Hi-tech Olympics.
Do you care about current affairs?
Yes, very much.
What means do you usually take to know about the current affairs?
I know about the current affairs by means of TV, newspaper, radio and the Internet.
Which TV program do you like best?
CCTV news program.
What do you think of the war between Iraq and America?
In my opinion, America shouldn’t invade Iraq. All the disputes should be resolved peacefully under the leadership of the United Nations. Iraqis are living in a more dangerous and poverty society. America won’t win the war in real sense.
How do you comment on the whole section about yesterday’s terrorist attack?
I personally condemned the terrorist attacks and body bombs.
Please tell us what you think of making friends online.
This is a common phenomenon nowadays. We know that the Net world is a virtual one. When people chat online, they knew nothing about the each other. Thus it provides chances for some criminals, who knew how to hunt a “game” and catch a “fish” online. Once they find that the “game” or “fish” have been trapped, they will hunt them. There are a lot of good people, and bad ones too on line. So, before you choose to meet your online friend far away, you should remember an old saying: think twice before you act. Be careful when we make friends on line.
Please tell us what you think about the relation of relocated families and urban planning.
I think it’s really a very realistic phenomenon. In all the cities in China, there are a lot of old and torn buildings. In order to better the living conditions of the people, the government tries to plan the area. Unfortunately, some people’s benefits are damaged. So they put forward a higher compensation for their loss. But they don’t know, their acts hurt more people’s benefits.
On the contrary, nowadays in many cities, a lot of old houses and building are endangering being torn down by the governmental department in the name of the benefits of the people. But the fact is that some of the historic ones are destroyed. Sometimes people’s interests are also not very well secured. Thus many disputes arose. In my opinion, when the government takes any actions, they should consider the interests of the families concerned.
Do you like our university? Why?
Yes, I like very much. Cuming University is a famous university with a long history. It has an important academic and political influence.
Where are you studying?
I graduated from a secondary school. I have passed self-study examination and have possessed a bachelor's degree.
What’s your major/specialty?
I’m majoring in journalism. / My specialty is journalism.
Are you good at writing?
To be honest, I don’t do it very well.
Then what do you like best?
The computer.
Can you study by computer?
Yes, I often study online.
What other things can you do by computer?
Sometimes I surf the internet, chatting with my friends, receiving and sending e-mails, doing some online shopping and consulting the information.
How do you study English?
I study English by listening to the tape, watching English programs and practicing speaking it as much as possible.
Have you met with any difficulties in your English study?
Yes, I’ve met with lots of difficulties.
How did you overcome them?
I’ve joined the English Club. There are many man of great learning and they have much experience in teaching English. I often consulted them.
Do you want to study abroad some day? Why?
Yes, I want to see life and learn something about foreign countries.
How many stages do you think there are in the life of a man?
There are three stages: primary school stage, middle school stage and college stage.
Which stage do you think is the most important?
I think the primary school stage is the most important.
Why do you think so?
Primary school stage is the one which helps the students lay a solid foundation. If one fails in this stage, he won’t possible achieve anything in the future.
If so, how do you think of the middle school stage?
I think the stage of middle school is also very important. It’s the stage that one forms his own opinion of the future. One can’t continue his schooling if one fails in this stage.
Which is the most important ability to a college student?
In my opinion, the most important ability is to learn the method of solving problems.
Popular science
Can people clone animals now?
Yes, scientists have successfully cloned sheep and bulls. Some people even want to clone us human beings.
What do you think of it?
I think it’s wrong to clone human beings for it’s concerned with ethical and moral problems. International society should organize to fight against this attempt.
Do you often use computers?
Yes, computer has become an important part of my life.
Are you interested in it? Do you do it well?
Yes, I like to learn related with computers. And I’m good at it.
What type of computers do you like, desktop or laptop? Why?
I like the laptop because this kind of computer is light and small enough to be carried everywhere, which makes it very convenient.
Do you often go online? What do you usually do by computers?
Yes, I often surf the internet. I mainly receive and send emails and search for some information. Sometimes I also play computer games.
Do computer games benefit you?
I think it won’t do me harm as long as I can properly deal with the relationship between playing games and studying lessons.
What benefits do you think playing computer games have?
I think computer games are a wonderful kind of electronic technology. They can bring much pleasure to the players, train them to respond quickly and stimulate their imagination. In a word, as long as you rightly control yourself, you can get benefits from it.
Can you compare online chatting with phone call?
Online chatting sometimes happens among strangers. But usually you use a phone only to contact the person you know. Besides, a phone call is much quicker and more convenient since you can easily find a phone.
What’s your opinion on using of the Internet and computer?
We cannot deny the charm of modern technology it brings to people, the computers is becoming more and more important in our lives. The Internet indeed brings convenience to people. But there are two sides to every coin. If we can use it appropriately, it can be an excellent assistant. Otherwise, it can also bring about some problems.
Do you know whether we can fly into outer space now?
Yes, of course. Two Inhabited spacecraft successfully transported our astronaut into outer space and had a spell of space flight. The whole county was excited by this great historic feat.
With the rapid development of science and technology, great changes have taken place in our society. Cell phones have spread all over the country and are influencing everyone. Please tell us what you think of this phenomenon.
As you know, it is very difficult to keep us away from the cell phones. If you go to a mall, you will hear the constant ringing of cell phones. Like it or not, it is around you offering convenience and making you fashionable. Cell phones have many advantages. You only need to dial the numbers and the other person will receive the message. It takes much less time than any other means. You can also walk as freely as you can when you make a phone call. We cannot imagine what our lives might be without cell phones.
But some researches of cell phones have found possible health risks to the users. We should try our best to avoid such negative effects cell phones bring to us.

Have you learned history course? Do you like it? Why or why not?
Yes, I have. I like history because it taught me a lot.
Do you think it is necessary to study history? Why or why not?
I think it’s necessary to study history, because it’ll teach us some lessons and encourage us to go ahead.
Which historic event gave you the deepest impression?
The founding of People’s Republic of China.
What do you think a hero should be like?
A hero should be hardworking, intelligent, caring and creative.
In history who is the hero that you admire most?
There are many heroes in history. But I admire Mao Zedong most.
Who do you admire most in history?
I admire our former premier Zhou Enlai most. He’s the hero in my heat.
Do you have a happy childhood?
Yes, I like it and the recollection of my boyhood is like a sweet dream.
What is the most unforgettable thing in your childhood?
When I first went to the town, I lost my way. As I cried helplessly, a warm-hearted policeman helped me find my way home.
Do you think how a person can make every day happy?
I think it’s easy: giving a hand to one who needs it badly and kind words to one who is sorrowful. An obliging action can increase other’s happiness, and also to increase our own.
What do you think is the turning point in your life?
To get enrolled in the university is the turning point in my life up to now.
What is the most unforgettable thing in your life?
I entered my favorite university.
What significant role do you think can traveling play in a person’s life?
Traveling enables us to see new places, meet new people and learn about new culture and history.
If you’re got a chance to travel, where would you go? Why?
I will go to Egypt.
What places are worth seeing in Egypt?
The Great Pyramid. It has a long history about four and a half thousand years old.
Do you know about life style in Egypt?
Sorry, I know it a little. But I’m anxious to know.
Will you help your classmates when they’re in trouble?
Of course I will. I think we help others namely, we help ourselves.
Please tell what you think about people to help each other.
As a member of the society, one shouldn’t care for his own interest only. Nowadays, there are some people who only think of themselves and never care about others. I think it’s wrong for people to do so. A good life needs people to help each other. If people are indifferent to the sufferings of others, we’ll destroy the society in the end. “When you are in trouble, do you want to have somebody to help you out?”
I think the virtue of man is even better than that of that of the appearance. The development of a nation is based on the civilized behavior of its people. So let’s help each other and love each other.

How many nationalities are there in China?
There are fifty.-six
What do you think a large populati0on will affect the development of a nation?
There are two sides to a coin. Too large population will affect country negatively while too small population will do the same.
What are the differences between the west part and the east of China?
Except the economic differences, the climate, the topography are all quite different between them.
Do you like geography?
Yes, I like it very much. For I can learn the world we are living very well.
In which way do you obtain the knowledge on geography?
There are many ways. But I usually read geography books and maps.
Where are you from?
I’m from Pingdingshan, part of the mountainous area of Funiu.
You tell me that you are from the mountainous area of Funiu, can you tell me something about it?
With please. Actually, the mountainous area of Funiu refers to a large area in the south-west part of Henan Province. There are ranges of not- too- high mountains. Unfortunately, the trees and grasses were chopped down years ago. So some parts of the peaks are bare.
Please tell us what you think about planting trees.
I think that we should try our best to protect our environment by planting more trees etc. however; such measures should not be taken only on some special days as the Planting Day. Since trees play a very significant role in our daily life, such as providing shade, purifying the air and conserving water and soil, all of us should take the responsibility of protecting trees as well as planting.
Is there any pollution in your city?
Yes, there is serious water pollutions and air pollution. With the development of the economy, more and more factories have been built. They polluted the river by emitting wastewater into it. Many people begin to buy private cars, so the noise and exhausted gas from them has also become an important pollutant resources.
If people go on polluting the water resources, what will happen to us in the future?
We all know that water is the basis of life. If we human being go on polluting the water resources, in the near future, we will have no water to drink. And we’ll die of drought.
How could we conserve the soil?
We should plant more trees and grasses. Those who destroy the forests most be punished.
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-24 16:39:53 | 显示全部楼层

3、语言的灵活性和适合性(语言表达是否灵活、自然,话语是否得体,语言能否与语境、动能和目的相适应) 评价成绩为:
part a
------good morning. my name is ……,and this is my colleague…..he is just going to listening to us .are your name is…..?
------First of all, we’d like to know something. about you, so I’m going to ask some questions about yourself.
where are you from?
how long have you lived there?
how do you like it? why?
do you live near here? Where about?
what do you think are the good points about living in this city?
could you tell us something about you family?
what does your family usually do for the weekend?
what do you think about living together with your parents?
do you have any hobbies?
how did you become interested in the hobbies?
why do you choose to study at our institute?
why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job?
what are your favorite subjects?
what kind of job did you do?
have you ever worked during the vacation?
why do you want to go back to study instead of going on with your work?
what qualifications are needed in order to do your job well?
what did you enjoy most about your campus life?
------future plans
what do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?
do you think English is important for your future plans? in what aspects is it important?
part b
------now I’d like you to talk about something. for about 3 minutes.
here is a list of topics(将一组话题或问题递给学生),please read the topics and choose one from the list you like to talk about. You’ll have 5 minutes to prepare for your talk. (5 分钟后)could you tell me what you want to talk about? All right, you’ll have 3 minutes to give your talk. Would you begin? (the interlocutor may intervene only when necessary)
------give your comment on the statement that “a part-time job is an important experience that every college student should have.”
------use specific examples to set forth your views on the saying “haste makes waste”.
------describe one of your own experiences to demonstrate that “nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced”
------explain your understanding of the conventional belief that “age brings wisdom”
------what are the current problems of college education? How to resolve them?
------some people say there is no absolute truth because “truth” is defined by people and there is no objectivity whenever people are involved. Does absolute truth exist or not? Why?

1. 自我介绍(self-introduce)
Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce
myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******, the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July, 2001.In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you.
I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of history. In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other younger like reading books, especially those about *******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line. In addition, during my college years, I was once a Net-bar technician. So, I have a comparative good command of network application. I am able to operate the computer well. I am skillful in searching for information in Internet. I am a football fan for years. Italian team is my favorite. Anyway, I feel great pity for our country’s team.
I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University, I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******.
good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors. I am very glad to be here for your interview. My name is song yonghao,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent city. my undergraduate period will be accomplished in chang'an university in July ,2004;and now, I am trying  my best for obtaining  a key to tongji university.
generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing  i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard . to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.and  just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.
well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. also english is my favorate.i often go to english corner  to practise my oral english on  every thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying.
ok, that is all,thank  you for your attention.
2.考研原因 (reasons for my choice)
There are several reasons.
I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer. In my opinion, as one of the most famous ******in our country, it provide people with enough room to get further enrichment. This is the first reason.
The second one is I am long for doing research in ******throughout my life. Its a pleasure to be with my favorite ******for lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.
Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my *****job during the past two years. However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world.
In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.

3.研究生期间你的计划 (plans in the postgraduate study)
First, I hope I can form systematic view of *****. As for ******, my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development as well as **************. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.
In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.
4 .介绍你的家乡(about hometown)
I am from  , a famous city with a long history over 2,200 years. It is called “Rong Cheng” because there were lots of banians even 900 years ago. The city lies in the eastern part of the province. It is the center of politics, economy and culture. Many celebrities were born here, for instance, Yanfu, Xie Bingxin, Lin Zexu and so on. . You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”. I think the city really deserves it. The top three artware are Shoushan Stone, cattle-horn combs and bodiless lacquerware. In addition, it is famous for the hot springs. They are known for high-quality. Visitors at home and abroad feel it comfortable bathing here. There is my beloved hometown.
5.你的家庭(about family)
There are four members in my family; my parents, my cute cat of 9 years old and
me. My father is a technician in the Fujian TV station. He often goes out on business. So most of the housework is done by my industrious mom. Climbing at weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They can strengthen our relation, too. During my preparing for coming here, my parents ‘love and support have always been my power. and I hope in future I will be able to repay them.
6.你的大学(about university)
**********University is the oldest one in the province. It was founded in *******and covers an area of over******* mu. The building area is ************square meters. It develops into a comprehensive university with efforts of generations, especially after the reform and opening up. It takes the lead among the *********universities with nice teaching and scientific research ability. The library has a storage of *******books. . various research institutes are set up including 52 research centers. There are teaching research experimental bases. For example, the computer center, analyzing-test center, modern education technical center and so on.
i am from luoyang,a beautiful city in henan province. it is famous as the "capital of nine dynasties " and enjoy yhe honer that luoyang peony is the best in the world.
   luoyang played a very important role in chinese history. so it has a profound cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved. such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china ang white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chnese buddhism.
   luoyang peony is world-famous. every year, many tourists travel to luoyang to see the beauty of peony .the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world.
   i like my hometown very much.
   if luckily i got the chance to learn environment engineering in tongji university, i will concentrate on the study and reserch in this field. first i will hard to learn the theoritical knowledge,constucting a solid base for my future work; second i would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor ang classmate .and through this ,i can get something that cannot be acquired from the textooks. i believe after 2 years of learning ,my dream will finally come true..
   Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here for this interview. First, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Qin Jiayin. I was born on April 23, 1981. I am a local person.I am graduating from Jilin Normal University (应该是这样译) this June. I major in Chinese literature. I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Jilin University which I have desired for a long time. I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative. At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!
Reasons for taking postgraduate exams:
    First of all, I love my major. Chinese literature is the symbol of the start of Chinese literary modernization. It plays an important part in modernization of our citizens’ thoughts. What’s more, modern literature is very close to our daily life and it can deeply reflect the styles and features of our society. I am fascinated by the great masters’ refreshing or warm or profound styles as well. But I am not easily satisfied with such superficial knowledge. I hope I could have a better understanding in modern literature by studying further. This is a very important reason for me to take the postgraduate exams.
   Next, I love the feeling in the university. It is full of youthful spirit. And I am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere. And the most important, it’s my great honor to open my ears to your teaching.
   Finally, I want to talk about a very practical problem. That is my dream of becoming a teacher in the university. I want to realize my dream and make myself to be a well-qualified person. I think the postgraduate studies can enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future job.
   That’s my simple and clear reasons why I took the postgraduate exams.
My university:
   I’m graduating form Jilin Normal University this June which has a history of 50 years. It shares many same characteristics with Jilin University. Both of them have a refreshing and scholarly atmosphere. Four years’ studying there made me an independent, optimistic and strict girl. I appreciate the education my university gave me.
   Thank you for your time!
  1. What’s your name?
  2. Does your name have any special meaning?
  3. Where were you come from?
  4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?
  5. What is the climate like in your hometown?
  6. What is people’s favorite food in your region?
  7. What do you do during the Spring Festival?
  8. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated ?
  9. Tell me something about the customs of your hometown.
  10. How long have you lived in XXX?
  11. What place in XXX do you like best? Why ?
  12. Which is the best place you’ve been to China?
  13. What is the biggest problem you will face?
  14. Could you tell me something about your family?
  15. When will you get married?
  16. What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take?
  17. What difficulties do your parents have concerning their old age?
  18. Which kind of professor do you like best?
  19. What does friendship mean to you? What kind of people do you make friend with?
  20. What is your major?
  21. How do you like your major?
  22. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?
  23. What impressed you most when you were at university?
  24. What is the best university in your opinion?
  25. Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points?
  26. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?
  27. What do you do for a living?
  28. What are your job prospects?
  29. If you had the opportunity to change your subject, what would you do with it?
  30. What are your spare time interests?
  31. How do you spend your weekends?
  32. What is your favorite sport? What are the rules?
  33. What kind of films do you like best?
  34. What kind of music do you enjoy?
  35. Where have you been traveling to? Which place interested you most?
  36. Do you enjoy traveling? If yes. Where and why?
  37. What kind of differences in the system of higher education between China and other countries?
  38. What problem do you think you will have in XXX?
  39. How will you overcome the difficulties?
  40. Do you think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intended study program?
  41. What difficulties do you think you’ll encounter in your studies?
  42. What do you intend to study?
  43. Why did you choose our university?
  44. Would you want to be a volunteer during Olympic Games?
  45. If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?
  46. Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please.
  47. What do you intend to do after you finish studying?
  48. What do you think of the future of China keeps an open policy?
  49. What do you regard as the most significant events in recent history?
  50. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?
  51. How aware do you think people are nowadays about environmental issues?
  52. How serious is unemployment among young people?
  53. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life?
  54. What do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5 years?
  55. As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport?
  56. How do you see yourself in ten years’ time?
  57. What business do you hope to have?
  58. What will do if you cannot find a job after graduation?
  59. How do you afford your tuition?
  60. Does your family support your decision on studying? What help do they offer?
一、 第一句话(first word)
见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂。可以是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。展示出自信和实力。千万不要来一句“sorry, my English is poor”.常见的开头有:
1. Good morning! may I introduce myself ..
2. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. I’m peter white, my NO is …(北大清华等学校参加面试的考生很多,可能对考生有一个编号,说一下自己的编号显得很职业,也很正式。)
二、作自我介绍——成长经历(making a self-introduction ——developing history)
I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,1997. (很简单的一句话,一定要发音准确!要把毕业学校的英文准确名字搞清楚了。)
You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”. I think the city really deserves it.
Just like my father, I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history. Frequently I exchange ideas with my family during super. In addition , during my college years, I was once the chairman of the Student  Union. These work have urged me develop  active  and  responsible characters.

able 有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的active 主动的,活跃的
aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的
amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的
aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能
careful 办理仔细的  candid 正直的competent能胜任的constructive 建设性的cooperative有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的
dedicated 有奉献精神的 dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策disciplined 守纪律的dutiful尽职的 well-educated 受过良好教育的
efficient 有效率的  energetic 精力充沛的expressivity 善于表达
faithful守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的generous 宽宏大量的
genteel 有教养的  gentle 有礼貌的humorous 有幽默
impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的
ingenious 有独创性的 motivated 目的明确的intelligent 理解力强的
learned 精通某门学问的logical 条理分明的methodical 有方法的
modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的    precise 一丝不苟的
punctual 严守时刻的 elastic 实事求是的responsible 负责的
sensible 明白事理的 sporting 光明正大的steady 踏实的
systematic有系统的  purposeful意志坚强的sweet-tempered性情温和的
temperate 稳健的 tireless 孜孜不倦的
三、作自我介绍——职业发展(making a self-introduction ——career development)
1、In the past years, I’ve worked at IBM as a software engineer. In my work, I found communication and management is very important. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. So I choose MBA!  if I am given a chance to study MBA in this famous University, I will stare no effort to master a good command of communication and management skill.(在过去的几年中,我作为一个软件工程师在IBM工作。在工作中,我发现交流和管理非常的重要。我一直认为一个人很容易落后,如果不持续学习的话,所以我选择了MBA!如果我有机会在这个著名的大学学习MBA,我会不遗余力的掌握沟通和管理的技能。)
2.Held a post concurrently in Zhongxing CPA. from December,1998 to May,1999. and mainly worked on evaluating project finance and made up cash flow tables.(1998年11月至1999年5月在中兴会计师事务所兼职,主要从事财务评价 、现金流量表的编制分析和产业的市场调查与跟踪研究等。)
  3. Assistant to the General Manager of  Shenzhen  Petrochemical Industrial Corporation Ltd. Handled the itinerary schedule of the general  manager. Met clients as a representative of the corporation. Helped to negotiate a $5,000,000 deal for the corporation. (深圳石油化工集团股份有限公司总经理助理。安排总经理的出差旅行计划时间表。作为公司代表接见客户。协助公司谈成了一笔五百万美圆的交易。)
  4. assistant to  manager  of accounting department of a joint venture enterprise. Analyzed data and relevant financial statistics, and produced monthly financial statements. (一家合资企业会计部门经理的助理。分析数据及相关财务统计数字,而且提出每月的财务报告。)
    5. Production manager: Initiated quality control resulting in a reduction in working hours by 20% while increasing productivity by 25%.(生产部经理:引入质量控制,使工作时数减少了20%,而生产力则提高了25%。)
  6. Staff member of Shanxi Textiles Import and Export Company. Handled import of textiles from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan. Increased sales by 25% from 1990 to 1993. Made frequent business trips to these places to negotiate with textile mills. (山西纺织品进出口公司职员。处理从香港、澳门、台湾进口纺织品事宜。从1990年到1993年增加了25%的销售额。经常出差到这些地方跟纺织厂商洽谈。)
  7. Tourist guide during the summer vacation for Beijing International Travel Service. Conducted tours for foreign tourists on trip around the city. (暑假期间为北京国际旅行社当导游。负责外国旅客在城区的观光旅游。)
  8. Sales manager. In addition to ordinary sales activities and management of department, responsible for recruiting and training of sales staff members. (销售部经理。除了正常销售活动和部门管理之外,还负责招聘与训练销售人员。)
9. Unfortunately I have had to leave my position, as my employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity.(很不幸地,本人不得不离职,因这一次世界性的经济不景气,使我的雇主不得不结束业务。)
  10.The only reason why I am leaving the present position is to gain more experience in a trading office. (本人之所以离开目前的工作岗位,唯一的理由是希望能在一家贸易公司获得更多的经验。)
11. I now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual responsibility and judgment than here, and where there is more opportunity for advancement. (目前,本人希望进入一家可以担负较大责任的公司,并希望能提供升迁机会。)
12. My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business. (本人离职的原因是希望在广告业方面有所发展。)
13. My reason for leaving my present employment is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.(本人离职的理由:希望在贸易方面,能获得更广泛的经验。)

传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions)
1、"What can you tell me about yourself?" ("关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?")
This is not an invitation to give your life history. The interviewer is looking for clues about your character, qualifications, ambitions, and motivations.
The following is a good example of a positive response. "In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best."
2、 "What would you like to be doing five years after  graduation?"("在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?")
Know what you can realistically accomplish. You can find out by talking to others MBA about what they accomplished in their first five years with a particular company after  graduation.
   "I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also."
3. "What is your greatest strength"?" ("你最突出的优点是什么?")
This is a real opportunity to toot your own horn. Do not brag or get too egotistical, but let the employer know that you believe in yourself and that you know your strengths.
  "I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned. I've set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor's thesis."
4. "What is your greatest weakness?"("你最大的弱点是什么?")
You cannot avoid this question by saying that you do not have any, everyone has weaknesses.
  The best approach is to admit your weakness but show that you are working on it and have a plan to overcome it. If possible, cite a weakness that will work to the company's advantage. "I' m such a perfectionist that I won't stop until a job is well done.
5. "How do you feel about your progress to date?" ("对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看的?")
Never apologize for what you have done.
  "I think I did well in school. In fact, in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class." "As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.
6.Why did you choose peking  university?
7.Why did you choose MBA?
8.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?
9.What has been your greatest accomplishment?
10.Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses.
11.What have you learned from the jobs you have held?
行为面试问题(Sample Behavioral Interview Questions):
12.Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member.
13Tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done?
14.Give me a specific example of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept.
15.Tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem.
16.Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together.
17.Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision.
压力面试问题(Sample Stress Interview Questions):
18.What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?
19.What are some of the things you find difficult to do?
20.How would you evaluate me as an interviewer?
21.What interests you least about MBA?
22.How do you handle rejection?
23.What is the worst thing you have heard about our school?
24.See this pen I'm holding. Sell it to me.
案例面试问题(Sample Case Interview Questions):
25.A chain of grocery stores currently receives its stock on a decentralized basis. Each store deals independently with its suppliers. The president of the chain is wondering whether the firm can benefit from a centralized warehouse. What are the key considerations in making this decision?
A magazine publisher is trying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individual distribution outlet in order to maximize profits. She has extensive historical sales volume data for each of the outlets. How should she determine delivery quantities?
26.It is the 15th Century. How do convince the Pope that the Earth is round?
27. If I gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?
28. Why are soda cans tapered on the top and bottom?
29. How much RAM does a PC need to run Windows95?
30. You are in a boat on a fresh water lake. In your hand is a rock. You throw the rock into the lake. How is the lake's water level affected?
31. If it rained music, what would grow?
32. Describe your best friend and what he or she does for a living.
33. In what ways are you similar or different from your best friend?
34.What are your career's strengths and how do you capitalize on them?
35. Are you a happy person?
36. According to JRM, Jr., a fast growing software company asked this question... You have a wealthy aunt who weighs 300 pounds. Tell me how you would redesign her toilet.
37.Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself?
38.Why did you take the MBA examination? Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in China?
39.Why do you choose RENMIN University to study MBA? Tell me a little about RENMIN University form your understanding.
40.How do the people around you review MBA?
41.What’s the difference between MBA program at home and abroad?
42.If you failed this time what will you do in the near future?
43.Why do you want to be a part of MBA students?
44.Why do you think you are qualified for MBA program?
45.Do you have a career plan in 5 years?
46.Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student?
47.What’s your opinion about the requirement that a MBA student must have working experience?                     
48.How do you define marketing or management?                  
49.Do you think English is quite important in MBA study? Why?
50.Do you think MBA training courses will help you a lot in your future life? Why?
51.What do you want to do after your MBA study?
52.What is the most important qualification that a MBA student should have?
53.Say a little about teamwork.
54.Say a little about management.
55.How communication works in organizations?
56.Tell me the relationship between the management and management theory.
57.What will you do if you can’t find a job?
58.Do you think that the economy will get better?
59.Who are you currently employed with?
60.What kinds of opportunities are you looking for?
61.What is your biggest accomplishment on the job?
62.What joy did you enjoy the most and why?
63.What would your former boss say about you?
64.Why did you leave your last job?
65.Please tell me a little about your working history? What kind of fields?
66.Say a little about your educational background.
67.What are your strengths and weakness?
68.What do you do in your spare time?
69.What is your impression of Beijing?
70.What is CFO? If you were a CFO, what would you do?
71.What is the difference between sales and marketing?
72.What do you think is the most important as a manager?
在面试快结束的时候,一般考官都会问,你有没有什么要问的。除非你是最后一个面试者,你明显感到所有的考官都急切的想离开,一般不适合说“I don’t  have  any  question.”可以问考官一两个你关心的问题(Questions you should ask the recruiter):
73.What changes do you anticipate in our school? (你希望我们学校会有些什么样的变化)
74.Which is the best course in our school? (什么课程是我们院最好的课程)
75.does our school provide some guidance of job to MBA?
最后可以说:Thank you for giving me the chance. I hope to see you again and soon. (谢谢您给我机会,我希望很快能再见到您。)

 Personal Information:
Name: ****      Date of Birth: July 12, 1971
Birth Place: Beijing    Sex: Male
Marital Status: Unmarried
Telephone: ****     E-mail: career@sohu.com
Work Experience:
Nov. 1998- present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) .
  Summer of 1997 BIT Company as a technician, designed various web sites. Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;
  1991 - August 1996 Dept. of Automation,Tsinghua University, B.E.
  Achievements & Activities:
  President and Founder of the Costumer Committee
  Established the organization as a member of BIT
  President of Communications for the Marketing Association
  Representative in the Student Association
  English Skills :
  Have a good command of both spoken and written English .
Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE: 2213
Characters :
  Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.

Senior Internal Auditor
  Conducted operational and financial audits of manufacturing subsidiaries. Designed and implemented audit programs to test the efficiency of all aspects of accounting controls. Recommended changes and improvements to corporate and divisional management.

Office Manager
Arrange logistics for office expansion and relocation. Establish office procedures and systems. Actuate/implement filing system, client billing system and bookkeeping. Order supplies; maintain inventory. Handle word processing and receptionist responsibilities.
Software Engineer
over eleven years of extensive computer/electronics experience. Versed in both digital and analog electronics with specific emphasis on computer hardware/software. Special expertise in system and component evaluation. Network supervisor responsible for installing/maintaining Arc net LAN system. Proficient in assembly and C programming  language。. Excellent communication skills including written, verbal and interpersonal.
name 姓名 in. 英寸
pen name 笔名 ft. 英尺
alias 别名 street 街
Mr. 先生 road 路
Miss 小姐 district 区
Ms (小姐或太太) house number 门牌
Mrs. 太太 lane 胡同,巷
age 年龄 height 身高
blood type 血型 weight 体重
address 地址 born 生于
permanent address 永久住址 birthday 生日
province 省 birthdate 出生日期
city 市 birthplace 出生地点
county 县 home phone 住宅电话
prefecture 专区 office phone 办公电话
autonomous region 自治区 business phone 办公电话
nationality 民族;国籍 current address 目前住址
citizenship 国籍 date of birth 出生日期
native place 籍贯 postal code 邮政编码
duel citizenship 双重国籍 marital status 婚姻状况
family status 家庭状况 married 已婚
single 未婚 divorced 离异
separated 分居 number of children 子女人数
health condition 健康状况 health 健康状况
excellent (身体)极佳 short-sighted 近视
far-sighted 远视 ID card 身份证
date of availability 可到职时间 membership 会员、资格
president 会长 vice-president 副会长
director 理事 standing director 常务理事
society 学会 association 协会
secretary-general 秘书长 research society 研究会

able 有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的
active 主动的,活跃的 aggressive 有进取心的
ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的
amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的
apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的
audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能的
careful 办理仔细的 candid 正直的
competent 能胜任的 constructive 建设性的
cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的
dedicated 有奉献精神的 dependable 可靠的
diplomatic 老练的,有策略的 disciplined 守纪律的
dutiful 尽职的 well--educated 受过良好教育的
efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的
expressivity 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的
frank 直率的,真诚的 generous 宽宏大量的
genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的
humorous 有幽默 impartial 公正的
independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的
ingenious 有独创性的 motivated 目的明确的
intelligent 理解力强的 learned 精通某门学问的
logical 条理分明的 methodical 有方法的
modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的
precise 一丝不苟的 punctual 严守时刻的
realistic 实事求是的 responsible 负责的
sensible 明白事理的 sporting 光明正大的
steady 踏实的 systematic 有系统的
purposeful 意志坚强的 sweet-tempered 性情温和的
temperate 稳健的 tireless 孜孜不倦的

education 学历 educational history 学历
educational background 教育程度 curriculum 课程
major 主修 minor 副修
educational highlights 课程重点部分 curriculum included 课程包括
specialized courses 专门课程 courses taken 所学课程
special training 特别训练 social practice 社会实践
part-time jobs 业余工作 summer jobs 暑期工作
vacation jobs 假期工作 refresher course 进修课程
extracurricular activities 课外活动 physical activities 体育活动
recreational activities 娱乐活动 academic activities 学术活动
social activities 社会活动 rewards 奖励
scholarship 奖学金 excellent League member 优秀团员
excellent leader 优秀干部 student council 学生会
off-job training 脱产培训 in-job training 在职培训
educational system 学制 academic year 学年
semester 学期(美) term 学期(英)
supervisor 论文导师 pass 及格
fail 不及格 marks 分数
examination 考试 degree 学位
post doctorate 博士后 doctor(PhD) 博士
master 硕士 bachelor 学士
graduate student 研究生 abroad student 留学生
abroad student 留学生 undergraduate 大学肆业生
government-supported student  公费生 commoner 自费生
extern 走读生 intern 实习生
prize fellow 奖学金生 boarder 寄宿生
graduate 毕业生 guest student 旁听生(英)
auditor 旁听生(美) day-student 走读生

work experience 工作经历 occupational history 工作经历
professional history 职业经历 specific experience 具体经历
responsibilities 职责 second job 第二职业
achievements 工作成就,业绩 administer 管理
assist 辅助 adapted to 适应于
accomplish 完成(任务等) appointed 被认命的
adept in 善于 analyze 分析
authorized 委任的;核准的 behave 表现
break the record 打破纪录 breakthrough 关键问题的解决
control 控制 conduct 经营,处理
cost 成本;费用 create 创造
demonstrate 证明,示范 decrease 减少
design 设计 develop 开发,发挥
devise 设计,发明 direct 指导
double 加倍,翻一番 earn 获得,赚取
effect 效果,作用 eliminate 消除
enlarge 扩大 enrich 使丰富
exploit 开发(资源,产品) enliven 搞活
establish 设立(公司等);使开业 evaluation 估价,评价
execute 实行,实施 expedite 加快;促进
generate 产生 good at  擅长于
guide 指导;操纵 improve 改进,提高
initiate 创始,开创 innovate 改革,革新
invest 投资 integrate 使结合;使一体化
justified 经证明的;合法化的 launch 开办(新企业)
maintain 保持;维修 modernize 使现代化
negotiate 谈判 nominated 被提名;被认命的
overcome 克服 perfect 使完善;改善
perform 执行,履行 profit 利润
be promoted to 被提升为 be proposed as 被提名(推荐)为
realize 实现(目标)获得(利润) reconstruct 重建
recorded 记载的 refine 精练,精制
registered 已注册的 regenerate 更新,使再生
replace 接替,替换 retrieve 挽回
revenue 收益,收入 scientific 科学的,系统的
self-dependence 自力更生 serve 服务,供职
settle 解决(问题等) shorten 减低……效能
simplify 简化,精简 spread 传播,扩大
standard 标准,规格 supervises 监督,管理
supply 供给,满足 systematize 使系统化
test 试验,检验 well-trained 训练有素的
valuable 有价值的 target 目标,指标
working model 劳动模范 advanced worker 先进工作者

for more specialized work 为更专门的工作 for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途
for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任 for wider experience 为扩大工作经验
due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭 due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满
sought a better job 找到了更好的工作 to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作
hobbies 业余爱好 play the guitar 弹吉他
reading 阅读  play chess 下棋
play 话剧 long distance running 长跑
play bridge 打桥牌 collecting stamps 集邮
play tennis 打网球 jogging 慢跑
sewing 缝纫 traveling 旅游
listening to symphony 听交响乐 do some clay sculptures 搞泥塑


参与人数 1威望 +10 收起 理由
kaoyan + 10


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-24 16:42:57 | 显示全部楼层
研究生复试口语 模拟考场 mp3 1A-4B
东陆风华APP客户端 http://bbs.ynutx.net/appbyme_app-download.html


发表于 2007-4-2 21:07:25 | 显示全部楼层


东陆风华APP客户端 http://bbs.ynutx.net/appbyme_app-download.html


发表于 2007-4-2 21:47:48 | 显示全部楼层
东陆风华APP客户端 http://bbs.ynutx.net/appbyme_app-download.html


发表于 2007-4-3 10:22:49 | 显示全部楼层
东陆风华APP客户端 http://bbs.ynutx.net/appbyme_app-download.html


发表于 2007-4-3 19:31:18 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #5 牧野铜戈 的帖子

你好啊,我也是河南的,报的云大,估计可以参加复试,现在正在寻找同伴,也好大家路上一块打发时间啊!我的电话是13653848593 ,QQ是:283339621 ,要是看到,请和我联系啊!
东陆风华APP客户端 http://bbs.ynutx.net/appbyme_app-download.html


发表于 2007-6-8 15:11:56 | 显示全部楼层
东陆风华APP客户端 http://bbs.ynutx.net/appbyme_app-download.html



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