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[转贴]How to set u

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    2019-4-10 09:36
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    发表于 2005-9-6 21:12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    < align=justify>Here are few tips, which could help you to deal with your personal page: <UL><LI>read <A href="http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimer.html">HTML Primer</A>. <LI>proceed with <A href="http://www.utoronto.ca/webdocs/HTMLdocs/NewHTML/">"The HTML Sourcebook"</A>. <LI>familiarize yourself with Web <A href="http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Provider/Style/">style</A> and <A href="http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Provider/Style/Etiquette">etiquette</A> guides. <!--<LI>don&#39;t miss <A HREF="http://www.boutell.com/faq/">FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) list</A>.--><LI>use HTML editor to write your HTML documents: it won&#39;t let you make certain errors, thus preventing remote WWW browser from getting screwed when rendering your document. There is <A href="http://www.sq.com/">SoftQuad</A>&#39;s HoTMetaL editor (free version) installed in the system, invoke it as <B><TT><FONT face=新宋体>hotmetal</FONT></TT></B>, as well as Netscape Gold, invoke it as <B><TT><FONT face=新宋体>netscape-gold</FONT></TT></B>. <BR>One more spiffy HTML editor: <B><TT><FONT face=新宋体>asWedit</FONT></TT></B> from <A href="http://www.advasoft.com/">AdvaSoft</A> (free version). <IMG alt=[New!] src="http://fy.chalmers.se/icons/New!.gif"> <LI>keep all your HTML documents, pictures, etc. within ~/WWW directory tree, <I>don&#39;t</I> use symbolic links from within the tree (they don&#39;t work). <LI>use <B>relative</B> (to your ~/WWW) filenames in your HTML documents, for example if you have <TT><FONT face=新宋体>pict.gif</FONT></TT> in ~/WWW/PICS, then IMG statement should look like <TT><FONT face=新宋体>&lt;IMG SRC="ICS/pict.gif"&gt;</FONT></TT> (provided that the document itself resides in ~/WWW). <LI>if you FTP a picture from Macintosh, choose <B>"Raw data"</B> transfer mode, otherwise you won&#39;t get it correctly! Note that <A href="http://fy.chalmers.se/help/Update_WWW_pages.hqx">the neat AppleScript</A> does this (as well as some other magic :-) automatically! <!--<LI>if you want to decorate your page with fancy CTH/GU logos, checkout <A HREF="/~appro/Logos/">Andy&#39;s logo collection</A>. --></LI></UL>< align=justify>And finally. It&#39;s now possible to forward your page to some place else, i.e. all requests to your page will make remote browser to load another URL from elsewhere on the Web. Note that in this case link to your page will be stricken off <A href="http://fy.chalmers.se/E-mail.html">the common register</A>. In order to forward your page issue <NOBR>&#39;<B><TT><FONT face=新宋体>www.forward &lt;new-URL&gt;</FONT></TT></B>&#39;</NOBR> command at Unix prompt. In order to take away forwarding <NOBR>&#39;<B><TT><FONT face=新宋体>(cd ~/WWW; rm .mime/index.html)</FONT></TT></B>&#39;</NOBR>. </P>
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