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北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院(United International College 简称UIC)是北京师范大学及香港浸会大学携手成立的一所独立的高等教育学府,也是首家内地与香港高等教育界合办的大学,获得国家教育部特批以及广东省教育厅的全力支持。学校位于广东省珠海市,座落在人杰地灵的唐家湾畔,凤凰山下,占地133,000平方米,可为4,000多名学生提供理想的学习和居住环境。 学院以全人教育为目标,为内地和香港培养有竞争力、具国际视野、中英文俱佳,掌握中港两地知识经验的专业人才。开拓国际网络,创新教育思路。两地携手,旨在融北师大厚重的文化精髓和浸会大学全人教育的教学理念于一体。发展教育事业,培养多功能、国际性优秀人才。 热点招聘职位: 工作要求及职责 Applications for appointment as teaching assistant for these related subject disciplines (Accounting, Finance, Economics, Business Studies and Management, Cultural Industries Management) are welcome. Candidates for these posts should have a Master's degree. 2.人文与社会科学学部助教 工作要求及职责 Applications for appointment as teaching assistant for the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences and related subject disciplines are welcome. Candidates for these posts should have a Master's degree. Candidates will work closely with experienced lectures and professors to maximize teaching effectiveness, including drafting presentations, planning and leading tutorials, marking quizzes and tests and holding office hours to meet individual student, etc. 3. 工商管理学部及人文及社会科学 学部行政助理 工作要求及职责 Provide administrative and clerical support on program management;student development and special project At least bachelor degree.本科学历或以上 ;With good English and able to communicated with foreign teachers.有较强的英语综合能力及善于和外籍教师沟通 ; Friendly, helpful, flexible and hard working person. 个性亲切友善,热心帮助别人,处事灵活机动,工作认真勤奋. 4. 理工科技学部 食品科学与工程 助教 工作要求及职责 Master degree with relevant subjects;With good English and able to communicated with foreign teachers. 有意申请者,请填妥相应UIC 职位申请表格
连同个人简历发至电子邮箱recruit@uic.edu.hk 其他招聘职位, 请查看中国研究生人才网(www.91student.com)—广东地区频道—重点招聘—北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院招聘信息(常年招聘)。 |